I closed my physical eyes but with my mental eyes peeped into the future….into the far… far future. I stretched my hands to feel the beauty of the future. I viewed the next generation and my influences on them. I imagined what elements of my existence will be carried to the next generation and how that will manifest in improving life on the planet. I thought of the future where I am supposed to be no more in physical form but my life’s impulses may get a room if they manifest constant enrichment to human life in the non-material level.
Each step taken in the present will bear on the future. A life in the womb expectantly looks at me to give him a better future.
I woke up from the future travel and my eyes caught the sight of the troubled present. I felt “I have miles to go, before I sleep.”
As a guide to the next generation I shall extend my touch to the future through the coming generation.
By coincidence or by my fate I am a teacher. And I will love to remain a teacher because the teachers affect eternity. They cannot say when their influences stop.