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Monday, February 8, 2010

Reliving some forgotten part of life

The life of an individual and his surroundings greatly influence each other. It would be more appropriate to say that life’s gradual progress accompanies an outwardly imperceptible but steadily deepening bond with the place where we live in and the people who are around us. This truth is discoverable at moments when we attempt at viewing the flashbacks of life which may range from extreme heights of happiness to abysmal depths of despair. Both sweetness and the bitterness in life collectively constitute the emotional bonding that makes life what it ought to be. Heated arguments, lovely hugs, moments of separation or association all go to form the very definition of life. Some memories linger and some memories gradually fade away leaving only a faint trail of trace. But occasions are there, when such old memories are reawakened or reminded significantly by many small things of life. And the influences of such things immediately refresh those faded memories into life once again.

This so happened when way back I had been to my old college for some official work. That was the college where I had graduated. That was the college which was so intimate to me. I saw those old walls, those same old pillars, same class rooms but many new faces and unknown and indifferent staff. In these days Life had changed a lot and I was there out of place. But I was with my old memories and tear filled eyes. The classrooms, the corridors, the common room, the library all reminded me how I was once wandering in those sunny days frivolously in the jocund company of my friends. But I was very nostalgic when I remembered that short-height girl with chubby chicks, lovely lips and that heavenly smile.

The curve of her smile had curved my career graph very downward. And afterwards in the zigzag course of life the smile had faded in some unknown, unseen and unheard land . But that day the concrete structures of the college building and the campus had made me feel the warmth of that smile once again very close to my heart. It was undoubtedly the reliving of some forgotten part of my life.

I looked sky ward and thanked god for reminding me of that lovely smiling girl so that with my tear-filled eyes I can at least pray for her to be happy and smiling so that the smile can continue forever wherever she may be.

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