APN'S YouTube Channel

Monday, August 29, 2011

‘Anna Vs Government’ drama has given us a new hope

Average Indians prefer to live like Zombies. They slumber when Anna fasts; they do nothing more than watching news channels when swami Ramdev is humiliated. They prefer to turn their faces indifferently away from all sorts of mass movements because they are deeply convinced that all such demonstrations are futile. 

The dismal degradation of our national character has bred a generation of selfish and corrupt politicians who lack the earnestness to fathom the sorry plights of the common mass. They frame such laws and use such manipulations that nation’s wealth is pocketed by a coterie of businessmen and politicians (CWG and 2G spectrum scams are the fresh examples) ,which in turn causes inflation and a decline in the common men’s  standards of living.  

Corruption has many forms and its various, known and still unknown, forms evolve with changing times and changing Government laws. It is adaptive and heavily branched. And on the tip of each branch many greedy monkeys sit and grin together. They sit at such a great height that they always remain beyond the reach of common mass and grin slyly at our stupidity. 

Anna would have reaped the same bitter treatment from the Government, which the Government had earlier applied on Sri Ramdev-the ruthless use of force to suppress the voices against the cheaters of nation’s wealth. But this time Government could not garner enough strength because the wind of public support foiled all of their political gimmicks and tricks.    
In Indian politics the ideals of true statesmanship is a missing element. Now People have learnt not to expect any sense of loyalty from our MPs or MLAs. However, the colossal leadership vacuum in our political arena persistently threatens us with both political and economic insecurities. 

The ‘Anna Vs Government’ drama has given us a new hope not because the protesting public could bend the elected representatives but because the elected representatives thought about the betterment of the nation rising above individual party lines. However, chances cannot be ruled out that the new-born astuteness of our politicians is a temporary disguise to avert public wrath.

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