All know that it is a deadly sin to
hurt the sentiments of a fellow human being because all human tears have their
roots in a bruised heart. I knew the simple truth but I became a fool. My anger
made me an absolute fool. I got intoxicated with the opium of superiority and
was mad with ANGER. My tongue spoke faster than my mind and conscience was
thrown to the ditch.
ANGER is one word short of
It was too late when I realized my failing. Apologetically, I hugged the girl,
consoled her, and wiped her tears. She told me that she was alright. But the
matter did not end here. Wherever I went I saw her crying face haunting me like
a demon. Her tearful eyes and anguished expressions attested HOW BAD I AM. I
was eaten up internally. And I could not be at peace. I lost my balance. I lost
my balance because humanity and love are the foundation of a happy life but today
I had given a death blow to my roots. And the result was a restless, haunted,
ghoulish, hollow man. The clear life-enriching waters of a divine spring called
CONSCIENCE was embittered with the POISON of ANGER.
ATTEMPT TO PURIFY THE CONSCIENCE ANEW………..by the writer himself.