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Showing posts with label Raksyabandhan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Raksyabandhan. Show all posts

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Joy Of Strings

The musician plucked the strings and a beautiful melody swept across the world. The music spread through the naughty wind and the musician dedicated his song to the divine creator who held everybody’s strings in his hands. The musician’s eyes were closed but the strings deeply felt the vibes of a truly thankful human heart. Through the strings a human heart spoke to God the language of eternal gratitude.

A lover was near his beloved. The night approached and the love between them thickened into deep intimacy. The lover admiringly pulled the strings of the lady’s top and planted a hot kiss on the half-open breasts. The strings were let loose and deeply felt how the breaths of two human beings mingled. 

That was a birthday. A boy gave a piece of cake to his friend and his friend gave him a packed with golden colored strings tied to it. The birthday was over and in the stillness of night when the birthday boy opened the golden strings he found a loving heart that gently whispered, “In your friend’s chest I continuously beat for you.” The golden strings listened to the nice words and really felt fortunate to wrap such invaluable human sentiments in a packet.

It was Raksyabandhan; a sister condensed all her love for his brother in a piece of string and tied it on his brother’s wrist wishing him a long prosperous life. Neither the brother nor the sister spoke anything. The sister was also holding a lamp and it was emanating its sacred light. Both the brother and sister smiled and the strings could keenly feel that how closely they tied two human hearts for all times to come.