APN'S YouTube Channel

Monday, October 19, 2020

Historical Overview of British Poetry From 14th Century to 17the Century (Part-1), #apnsir



I got a number of requests from different corners of Odisha to make a video on Historical Overview of English literature from 14th century to 17th century basing on Odisha state model syllabus. The first part of the video series is now live on YouTube and in this blogpost I post the transcript of the important part of the video. I hope this post will serve as a valuable note on the topic.


Dear friends, when we consider English literature from 14th century to 17th century, it incorporates the following periods. They are namely,

1.      The Age of Chaucer                                       (1350-1400)

2.      The Age of Revival                                         (1400-1550)

3.      The Age of Elizabeth                                     (1550-1625)

4.      The Puritan Age                                             (1625-1660)

5.      Restoration Age                                             (1660-1700)


The period from 1350 to 1400 is widely referred as the age of Chaucer. So whenever we mention the term ‘The Age of Chaucer,’ we mean a time period that roughly begins from the year 1350 and continues up to 1400. It is needless to say that Chaucer was the most prominent as well as the representative poet of this time. As a result, this age was named after Chaucer. I must mention that Mathew Arnold called Chaucer, “the father of our splendid English poetry.”


One thing I must tell you that this classification of periods should not be rigid like water-tight compartments. These periods are approximations. For example, some books mention that the age of Chaucer begins from the year 1350 but some other books may mention that the age of Chaucer begins from the year 1340. Such different references may confuse you. In this connection, I must tell you that such classifications are just done for the sake of convenience and better understanding of Literature. And these classifications of periods are simply approximations. So do not take it rigidly and break your heads. 


Now let us delve into the historical perspectives of the age of Chaucer because 14th century is represented by Chaucer.


The age of Chaucer or 14th century was a period of great political, social, religious, and literary activity. In 14th century England became the meeting ground of the old and the new, the mediaeval and the renaissance. It was a time when the old order was yielding place to the new. The renaissance influences were disrupting the mediaeval beliefs and habits of mind. There were three prominent institutions of mediaeval age. They were 1. Feudalism 2. Chivalry and Knight errantry and 3 Church.  During Chaucer’s age, all of them witnessed a decline in their power and prestige. 


During 14th century two great movements may be noted in the complex life of England. They were,

1.      The growth of a National Spirit

2.      Discontent among the people and the Peasants’ Revolt.


Under the heading “the growth of a National Spirit”, I must mention that in this age there was an upsurge of Nationalism and England was emerging as a strong nation. It was in this period that the crucial HUNDRED YEARS WAR between England and France took place. This war awakened English Nationalism and gave rise to a national consciousness. England won glorious victories at Crecy in the year 1346 and Poitiers in 1356. This gave a feeling of national pride and self-respect to the people of England. During this time the French Language lost its official prestige and English became the speech not only of the common people but of courts and parliament as well. The great works done by Chaucer, Langland and Wycliffe gave a distinct edge to English.


Now let us shift our discussion to the second movement. I have already hinted it at the beginning of my video, by the heading “Discontent among the people and the Peasants’ Revolt”. Why there was so much unrest and discontent in this age? Allow me to explain it to you. The unrest and discontent mainly had its roots in the growing differences between the idle wealthy classes and the over taxed peasants. The Hundred Years’ War, no doubt, made England a united nation and colonial power, but it also imposed unheard of hardships upon the people. The wars of kings depleted the royal treasury and led to unjust taxation on common people. The matters were further worsened by the great plague known as Black Death. It is estimated that half of England’s population died of Black Death in no time. All this resentment led to The Peasants Revolt of 1381.


Now I want to shift our discussion to the religious background of the age. The religious outlook of the age underwent many upheavals. There was dissatisfaction of people with rampant corruption in the church. Poets like Langland and Gower freely denounced the growing corruption in the church. These poets through their teachings wanted to revive the real Christianity. Thus the ideas of reformation were already becoming a force in the age of Chaucer. The Lollard movement led by John Wycliffe paved the way for reformation and the rise of Protestantism.     


In addition to all these currents and cross currents of the age we find some other influences. One of them is the rise of modern spirit. People were asserting their rights of free thought and independent judgement. In other words, democratic spirit was growing. In this direction, the peasants’ movement did much to weaken the medieval feudal system and gave self-confidence to people. 


The rise of humanism and a growing spirit of New Learning influenced the age of Chaucer. In this context, Hudson writes, “Ecclesiastical ideas (ecclesiastical ideas mean ideas related to Christian church and clergy) and the mediaeval habits of mind were still the controlling elements in Chaucer’s period, but their sway was now to some extent broken by the influx of a fresh and very different spirit”. “This fresh and very different spirit “is nothing but Italian renaissance which was to reach its full flowering in England during the age of queen Elizabeth. To make the things easy let me remind you that the age of Elizabeth spans from 1550 to 1625.


In addition to all these points you can also add “the decay of medieval chivalry” as another outcome of the age. Let me first explain what is medieval chivalry. In medieval Europe, the nobility was expected to uphold a set of principles called chivalry. Those set of principles included courage, military prowess, honour, loyalty, justice, good manners, and generosity but by the 14th century CE the notion of chivalry had become more romantic and idealized. In the age of Chaucer, the mediaeval chivalry was no more a practical system. Moreover, it turned out to be a mere sentiment. This is what we mean when we stress on the point, “the decay of mediaeval chivalry”


Dear students, at the end we can say 14th century England was a meeting ground of the Mediaeval and the Modern, the Old and the New, the Religious and the Secular. Get me 200 likes then I will make the next part of this video series. Bye!

 With love,



Sunday, September 6, 2020



From the pen-APN


Some poems work like magic spell and inspire the best in readers to achieve newer heights of humanity."A Psalm of Life" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow is also such a poem that gives a clarion call to make the most of one's time and become the best version of one's self. 

This poem is a part of +2 Syllabus in the state of Odisha. Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha has included in the subject English of XII class. 

The link of a video tutorial produced by me is inserted here for the benefit of general public.  If the Video is not visible then CLICK HERE.

Yours Sincerely,


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Tuesday, August 25, 2020

A Time-Tested Truth

Ignoring all hustle and bustle and all distractions, I could close my eyes for a minute and drew a deep breath. Amidst a short-lived silence, a wave of thought crossed my mind. I held that precious thought and immediately wrote it, after I woke up from that meditative state. The lines that had echoed in me was "When you add value to someone's life, you grow spiritually." I shared that comforting thoughts to my friends and now I share it here. In addition, I insert a video link on CLOZE TEST which makes a regular item in most Competitive Exams. The idea behind it is just to add some value to the lives of human beings around me.

Love you all.

From the pen-APN 



Saturday, August 22, 2020

Reviving an Old Friendship (The Blog)

From the Pen-APN

After 7 months, again, I visit this page. The habit of writing which has been frozen for many a day is again shaken to life. Today is Ganesha Chaturthi, a day when every religious Hindu bows down before the Elephant-God for enlightenment and wisdom. I also bow down before that infinite intelligence and sincerely pray to have new perspectives of life which may add value to humanity and the continuum of civilization.  
Julius Robert Mayer heralded that energy can neither be created nor destroyed in 1841, but the principle existed before that too. Nature is always absolutely systematic. However, it is just human ignorance that brings disruptions. Sooner or later, any disruption, in any form, will again align with the inviolable principles of Nature. The flow of Nature is the one constant that will prevail in the end. With this wave of thought, it can be deduced that any creative energy, which an individual holds, will also be governed by the principles of Nature. It means creative energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It will only change from one form to another.
I say it because when I discontinued writing in the blog, my creative energies were channelized into different forms like YouTube video making and producing educational contents.
Today on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi, I once again revive the pages of this blog which is my old friend and insert the recent videos of my two YouTube channels which now consume the major part of my creative energy. Hope with this post again the pages of the blog LIFE WITH ATMAPRAKASH (APN’S) will indeed come to LIFE.

With regards,




Monday, January 20, 2020


From the pen-APN

"In a crowd, we stay alone, digitally absorbed and emotionally detached. Although sharing is today at the optimal level, feelings of caring are at sub-zero level. May it be selfies or may it be videos, a lot of such stuff is incessantly made and dumped into the cyber world where a cybercitizen may show an apparent empathy by giving a thumb or an emoticon but genuinely nothing is cared or felt deep inside. Everything is just a cycle of continuous mechanical clicking, like robots, on trails of some unending posts surfacing one after another. Such robotic dance of fingers on the keypad while attending the posts on various platforms is nothing but a hullaballoo that adds more noise, which further aids to choke the serene early life-style of human beings as a responsible and cohesive partner of a precious society which  has taken a long time to evolve in the human history.”

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Write Your Life For Your Loved Ones!

From The Pen-APN

By love and writing only you can transmit the interpretation of your life and the existential knowledge that you have gathered. The wisdom and experience of your life that you have already lived must be gifted to someone who makes your next generation. But to establish a link with your past and the consciousness and conscience of another human being who is your future representative you need the strength of spirit and an elevated consciousness to establish a connection between your next generation and your generation. Perhaps this thought is best represented by the word, SAMSKARA.
Holding your son's or daughter's hands imagine the time when he/she got birth and then remember the moments how he/she started experiencing the world around. It is true that what you have already experienced, he/she is yet to experience them. However, your views about your world are no more congruous and they have already changed and have taken some new form. And in such a new context another human is born as your son or daughter who is unaware of your era. He or she has all new and fresh vie-points which may jar with your conception and this is how the monster of generation gap is born.
Every moment we change but it seems to us that we have not changed much. But the irony of life is that the changes are so continuous and so deeply ingrained in us and they are so imperceptible that we fail to sense it. Often, people around us complain that we have changed radically but we say a curt, "No, not at all."
At last, it can be concluded that "as you write, you uncover the hidden gems inside you that you didn't even know were there."
Write your life and help your near and dear ones understand the world better.

Thursday, August 8, 2019


From the pen-APN

When the music of rain
Soaks the green leaves
And the rivulets dance
And muddy fields are reborn  

Then in a lonely place
Far from sight
Splashing with joys
Of togetherness and love

Life gathers up
The Golden moments
Of love and human bonding
While the clouds are still raining…

Friday, May 10, 2019


From the pen-APN
Utter poverty had sucked the lifeblood of the mother and her feeble body was no more lactating. And the famished baby in her lap was crying desperately for a few drops of milk. All her efforts to relieve the child went in vain. Then gradually the cry stopped, and the baby showed no signs of struggle for attention. The helpless mother stood like a motionless statue looking with hunger-filled eyes at the vibrant coloured packets of milk winking through the glass doors of a well-stocked shop. The baby was no more crying and tears had dried at the corners of her eyes…
(What is the value of that policy which does not include the welfare of the poorest of the poor of my state???)

Friday, March 22, 2019

A Kingly Madness

From the pen-APN

Standing in the middle of a busy road, he was stretching his body to his full height like a great emperor. His bearded face like Chatrapati Sivaji, his skyward gaze to the mid-day blazing sun and his hand movements in kingly gestures were all creating an unusual but spectacular sight for the onlookers.  
His eyes were replete with flashes of happiness and it teemed with courage. He did not seem to belong to the world around him but he was stamping his feet rhythmically on the earth like a monarch and was turning around sporadically not caring a damn for the people passing by him or around him.   He was just happy in his own ways irrespective of the remarks and the sneering looks of all spectators. He was the king of his own world.
The sun above corroborated his king like manners by shedding its light upon him.  He was talking to the lampposts, to the tall buildings and to himself. And all of them stood motionless as if they could recognize a regal importance in him and never interfered with the frenzied ecstatic movements. His torn clothes, unkempt hair and dirty appearance rightly matched the appearance of a warrior who had returned from a war front after a deadly struggle.
They chuckled and called him, “MAD” but he was a king of his thoughts. Neither the sun, nor the tall buildings, nor the lampposts revolted against his claims…..And he indeed enjoyed the king’s life in spite of his torn clothes, unkempt hair and bearded face, because he cared not a damn about the remarks of the so-called sane persons.