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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Vaccination that pricked into heart

Yesterday my cute one-month-old son was taken to the paediatrician for vaccination. He was happy and warm in his mother’s hand. He looked like an angel free from all worries and troubles. He was sleeping tranquilly. Both the mother and the child looked so calm. He believed his mother’s lap as the safest place on earth and his mother felt good because she was like an ocean of love for the little creature. The mother-child relationship was an exchange of many silent, yet powerful human sentiments.

But these calmness soon vanished. When the turn of my baby for vaccination came, my wife started to shudder in fear at the sight of the needles and the injection syringe. The paediatrician took the baby from the hands of my wife and pricked the needles into the veins of my son. The innocent silence and complacent looks of the baby suddenly turned into a heart-rending cry. I could feel that in that cry there was a deep pain of a shattered faith. The baby’s cry bore the hidden meaning, “Mother, whom can I believe now? I am not safe even in your lap. In your presence how somebody could put me in pain!” 

The baby’s cry brought tears in the eyes of my wife. Both the mother and the child cried together and I stood silent like a stupefied spectator.   

Sunday, February 27, 2011

be sensible while riding/driving.

Two days back I had a bitter argument with one of my colleagues. There accrued a lot of negativity. The first immediate consequence of the argument was a ‘No further talk with you state of mind’. He went away from the office in high temperature. I smiled and cared a fig about him. And now, by chance, when he crosses my way or I happen to share some space around him he suddenly accelerates the bike to the maximum and speeds up unnecessarily releasing a good deal of dust mixed smoke. How easily in a human tussle, his two-wheeler that is a machine is involved to express his rancour.

Few years back, when I was a student of Post-Graduate, once I got terribly angry at the-then girl friend of mine and in a mood of extreme anger, I rushed my 250cc Yezdi motorbike on the road. My girl friend turned her face in dejection and went away from me walking on the road. In a state of fury, I sped up my bike. I went like a bullet on the road and suddenly I jumped over a colossal hump. I lost the balance & control of my bike and suddenly faced death wing by my side. It was God’s grace that a truck heading from the other side evaluated my recklessness and applied a sudden brake and I narrowly saved.

The moral of the story is three-fold.

First: Man should not show off their anger by rash handling of machines. (Here bikes)

Second: Women should not leave their husbands/boyfriends go ditched when they are in the possession or in the close proximity of a machine.

Third: ‘ANGER’ is one word short of ‘DANGER’. If bike is lost, a new bike can be procured; If a girlfriend/boyfriend is lost, a new friend can be arranged in a short while but if LIFE is lost, the game is over. So be sensible while riding/driving.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Follow the Conscience.

A hope winks in the heart but soon disappears and hides from view. Like a flash of lightening, it comes into sight for a moment and then vanishes in the thickness of dark. The hopefulness appears as a colourful bright rainbow but a moment later, it dissolves in the unknown. The mind often soars to commanding heights with the wings of positive imagination but soon descends to the ground level and feels deadly inert. ...... .......... This happens to most men in most of the time. In the spur of a moment, we think the grandest things but after a short while, all the high-end expectations and resolutions dash to the ground.

A bud turns into a flower. A caterpillar becomes a butterfly.

All these beautiful changes around me make me yearn enthusiastically to fly high with the wings of a developed personality. However, I always have found myself cocooned in my shell like the caterpillar for long. Why? Why do I stay so limited? My youthfulness is everyday threatened by an approaching old age but I am not conscious to be active to break my little shell and come out with winged-metamorphosis. Life has become sluggish and monotonous. There is no flip.

In such dark moments, life inevitably needs a spiritual touch to realize the highest meaning of itself. But whom to follow? How to realize the meaning of life? The answer is very simple.

The seeds of spiritual flower will start manifesting when every moment of life is lived on the guidelines of conscience. The present world full of religious differences confuses the mind. But conscience never confuses rather it diffuses all the impurities and makes the human spirit glow in full bloom.

So.......... FOLLOW THE CONSCIENCE. It is because Even When There Is No Law There is CONSCIENCE.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Career Vs Affluence & distraction

Those lower middle-classed bright students who go to the metros in want of quality education face various types of emotional and financial challenges. Yesterday a brief chitchat with one of my old girl-students brought to my notice that studying away from family and parents afflicts the students with an utter loneliness. As a result, they fall on their peers for emotional support or needs- mostly on the friends of opposite sex and obviously end up in a messy love entangle.

In addition, the stylish and expensive restaurants, massive malls, specialized shops, glittering multiplexes, amusement parks easily divert the minds of the youngsters from their sole aim of study and career. All these things also build up undue pressure on their purses and young minds as well.

That student informed me that there are many students, whose both the parents are salaried and normally the ATM of a salary account of either of the parents remains with such students. Consequently, those students flaunt their money and cause inferiority to meritorious but poor students studying with them.

Last night I was viewing a tele-serial named PYAR KI YE EK KAHANI on StarOne channel. I am not a regular viewer of any television series but in that episode, I came across a witty remark that I would like to share with by readers.

- The scene opens with an apprehension whether Piya, a poor and orphaned but extremely meritorious student, will get the yearly scholarship or not. The scholarship is the only hope for the continuation of her studies. As a result, Piya is desperately anxious and keeping her fingers crossed. At this time an affluent girl student rudely comments, “Who cares for this worthless scholarship! My father can afford my studies.” Piya remains silent in deep mental agony but her friend wittily defends her by a sarcastic remark, “Yes, your parents can afford your studies but they can not only afford a brain transplant, which is most required in your case.”

Monday, February 21, 2011

20th Feb'11

Like the slides of a power point presentation, many happy and sad episodes of life are fast moving. The last 6 to 7 days were very eventful. A district collector has been abducted and the public shudders in fear. In sympathy all the district officials have shut down their offices till the safe release of the collector. And our college is also closed for an indefinite period. Roads are blocked and we have been remaining sealed in the district for 5 days. We witness complete lawlessness in the district.

Yesterday a group of boys came like gangster to the college campus to meet a girl. The girl crossed the hostel wall and without informing the hostel-in-charge attended to her lover.

Police is not found. They are like the commoners in civil dress. Life is so when I sat to write the post.