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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Training At RTI, Bhubaneswar.

All the junior lecturers and  PGTs of ST/SC Development Department of Govt of Orissa were called for a refresher course at ST/SC Research Training Institute at CRP square Bhubaneswar. The get-together of the old friends at the same place after a long time gap of 4 years was really a big treat. The Refresher course was simply a name and meeting each other was the real fun and game.However, some of the participants had come to the training programme leaving their families unattended in the remote pockets of KBK districts.So at times the memory of their family made them conscious to finish the course at once and move back to their work station as soon as possible.

During the course we happened to sit in the conference hall for 7 hours like the school children.It revived the old habit of our school days.The educational out put was spiced with a strong fellow-feeling. To some extent we had become more alert, more innovative and smart.The refresher course was capable of dispensing the student's point of view to the teachers who sat in the programme like the students of a school.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

On that day I was completely drenched. The rain coat was of little use. And I had to cover another 40 kilometres on my bike. The road was lonely. Road side trees were the only visible companions. The rain was showering sporadically. On my way I saw a school boy walking in the direction of my journey . I stopped my bike near the boy and told him to come with me. He accepted my offer and placed himself on the back seat. We rode away and after covering two or more kilometres, the boy wanted to get down. I thought in my mind that as the boy belonged to a tribal community and they were not exposed to the CULTURED MANNERS of civilisation, expecting a word like 'THANKS' from him was meaningless. Without any such expectation of words of thanks, I left the boy at his destination. And before taking leave from the boy my eyes met with his eyes, suddenly a beautiful smile of happiness came from his heart and lit up his tender face. That beautiful expression on his face warmed my rain drenched being and I rode all the way without looking back remembering and weighing the emptiness of artificial cultured mannerism on one side with the pure human expression of heart.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Writing a book.

"Write a book which you often think to read but none has written it yet." This line touched my heart readily and made me write it in my blogpost. For a moment I pondered what things I have dreamt for and why I have

Sunday, August 29, 2010


For the last few months I had not used the mirror to see my physical appearance intently. I mean, I used to comb my hair hurriedly and used to set out for my office. As a result I was not conscious of the age factor which had started to show its sign on my appearance. But recently after taking a little physical exercise when I viewed my sweating body on the mirror I saw that I looked very old and matured. I was startled for a moment because my body language, way of talking and behavior pattern which were seemingly youthful and teen-age-like mismatched my physical appearance. I soon realized that I have to adopt a composed disposition which will complement my appearance and in turn will earn more respect from others. My nature of job requires spending most of my time with the teen-agers. Consequently the effects and psychological influences of the youngsters lessen the seriousness which normally comes with the growing of age. I have never been serious or thoughtful about the time that has already been robbed of me. Such lack of seriousness makes life’s valuable time fly unnoticeably.

What should be the solution to such human failures? I had read somewhere that a habit of contemplation on a regular basis on one’s own life will beacon a right direction to live life more purposefully.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Moving towards Positivity.

Bringing our thinking process to nobler and more positive direction is always aspired for but this seemingly easy task can not be attained all of a sudden. The mind has to be lead inch by inch in the desired direction. A conscious effort is an essential factor for realizing this goal. Mind tends to be lazy and floats with the previously accustomed thought-flow. Such usual and habitual thinking processes set the human faculty languish in a limited sphere. The meaning of life is narrowed to few routine bound activities and as a result the higher aspects of life remain undiscovered and untapped. Most often most of the human beings love to remain as they are. But life is the name of change and our resistance to the unchangeable natural  law of change will not set us free from it. However, man can redirect his resistive potency to work upon facilitating his march towards a conscious evolution.

Good thoughts release higher powers. Tapping the creativity of human intelligence eliminates  ennui and emptiness of life which has become a characteristic mark of modern man. Our complacency and utter lazyness keep us revolving in a vicious circle directionless. To overcome such a habitative monotonous state a launching force has to be mustered and this accumulation of potency is best done by constant association with noble thoughts with creative edge to make life beautiful.