Under tight security-check the group of tribal students were taken to the Raj Bhaban. I was heading the team of Orissa tribal youths as the guide teacher.The tribal students were taken in their traditional costumes.We had to pass under the metal detector check for two times. The lady members of the group were thoroughly checked by a lady staff in a specially cloth built compartment. After due security check we were led into the Raj bhaban. It is a colossal structure. with attractive architectural elegance. The grassy lawn has many deers and the well-kept Garden was pleasant to the eyes. However in some part of the area I noticed dry fallen leaves from trees. Those reminiscence of dead leaves could have been removed to make the area look more heavenly.
The security officer was very handsome and pleasing. Before the arrival of the governor he instructed us the dos and the donts.After a few minute the Governor graced the place.We were really elated to greet the Governor of the host state.
With tea,cake and vada we were refereshed.
The essence of my daily realization is poured in the form of this blog contents. An attempt is made to be Brief and express the ideas succinctly.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
The places visited on 29th December,2009 pictorially
The place where the former P.M of India Shri Rajiv Gandhi laid his life in a human bomb explosion.
My wife seen in the back drop of that holy place mentioned above
The exact place where the assassination had taken place
Smita, my wife posing a photograph by the side of a gigantic pillar of Rajiv Gandhi Memorial.
Posing a photo with the tribal youths from Orissa, Chatisgarh and Andharapradesh.
My wife in the Crocodile park
The beautifully rock-carved elephant in Mahabalipuram.
Auditorium at RMIYD
Monday, December 28, 2009
In Sathapet at vetri krishna marriage hall we spent the night and in the morning of 28th dec, 09 we were taken to the RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUE OF YOUTH DEVELOPMENT. The centrally Air conditioned auditorium of the institution was very aesthetically pleasing and had a capacity to accommodate around 600 delegates.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
with the tribal youths on 27th Dec,09
In the morning after a lavish breakfast the tribal youths were taken to the youth hostel auditorium of Chennai. The tribal youths were mostly from the naxal affected states like Orissa,Jharkhand and Chatisgarh. The meeting was followed by the dance of the youth who had participated in the tribal youth cultural exchange programme 2009 conducted by Neheru Yuvak Kendra.I have attached a photo of the delighted youths while they were being transported to the auditorium. I regret that the moving bus has made the photo a little bit hazy.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Meeting on 23rd Dec
The first members' meeting of BIJU INTERNATIONAL KALINGA AVIATION SCHOOL was held in the conference hall of SRC on 23rd DEC , 09. In the presence of honourable M. P. of Kandhamal a productive discussion to ameliorate the educational scenario of the said district took place. My younger sister's speech clearly brought out the noble objectives of the proposed venture in a finely embelished manner. I was amazed to witness the beautiful development of her personality. May god bless her.
Monday, December 21, 2009
In the remotest corner of the state.
My wife shook her head out of utter disgust on the poor communication facility available around here. The reaction was natural because for the last 3 days we were trying to reserve 2 bus tickets for our journey to Bhubaneswar but the x-mas holidays' last minute rush constantly made the attempts a failure. Hiring a car just to drop me at Bhubaneswar, which is 620km from my work station, seemed pointless because I had planned to spend the holidays with my parents and my one and only little sister. Moreover, I prefer to move in my younger sisters' car especially when she sits at the wheel. So I felt to wait till I find a suitable bus or train to carry me to the state capital. And this waiting was so disgusting to my wife that she shook her head and growled at me. I became the easy victim of both the menaces. One is an angered wife and the other one is a jammed and over busy communication system.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Picnic on 18th December 2009 at Saptadhara
Yesterday we attended the college picnic at SAPTADHARA. Their Everything was full of fun and excitement but all were stunned when Principal got extremely angry and slapped R.D and S. Nag for their indecorous absence from the picnic spot.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
A situation of utter helplessness
In a moment her head reeled, she started vomiting and sat by the side of the road in a half fainted mode. No one was with her at that time but she was loved. I recieved her call on my mobile and heard her faint voice.I rushed to the place and discovered her still in that helpless situation. Just few minutes ago I had left her in a fancy store so that she could buy her regular cosmetics but in the meantime of my absence her instant break down was alarming for a newly married husband like me. That day she vomited even on my blazer and the vomiting did not stop after medication also. But after few hours we regained normalcy but the experience of a roadside show of a diseased wife and a helpless husband was quite identical to the episode of a popular tv serial. PAIN TO OTHERS IN LIFE IS ENTERTAINMENT TO US BUT PAIN TO OWNSFLE IS A BLOODY TRAGEDY.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Following one's ideal
The easiest thing in the world will be to advice others. Many individuals will speak volumes but in action they will execute the least. I could feel this truth in a real sense when I imagined myself speaking in front of my students, may be in a welcome or a farewell meeting. Many good things will effortlessly ooze out of the vocal chord in the form of precious advice for the students. But to what extent we ,the teachers follow our own prescriptions is an open question for a realistic assessment. Many members of the teaching community will prefer voluntarily to include themselves in the group of people about whom we have initiated thinking in this very paragraph. . . . . . Is it not interesting to see the chasm which stands between our ideals and our own very materialistic happy go like lifestyle? Life needs serious consideration to follow one's own proposed constitution of an ideal life.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Tendency to blame others
Man can invent numberless reasons to blame others for his negligence and lack of dedication. For example, when I became conscious that I have discontinued my writing habit for the last some days, I readily started to blame my worries, my heavy duties and even not to spare my pen if the ink is finished up while drafting. But I never feel the importance of turning my eyes to my own weaknesses like my negligence to or lack of commitment in my undertakings.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Strike Like A Hammar
The voice of mass is the voice of god. When a mass is strongly united for truth and justice, it becomes invincible and becomes the guiding lamp of society. In a democratic country the right to stage a strike is a powerful weapon against all forms of injustice. In these days the media coverage of a genuine strike can really bring changes. We, the employees of govt ssd higher secondary school Govindapally, believe it. From 1st December,09 we were wearing black badges in protest of govt's unjust job discrimination and on 7th we went into a demonstration strike. The cooperation of print media and electronic media helped us boost our moral strength. We feel the use of media in a proper manner can bring unprecedent changes in our society. For the first time we learnt how to stage strike for our rights.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Rs 2000/- for a 6 minutes' job.
I had read in books that great speakers charged minute-wise for the speeches they made.And they often charge lakhs per minute. I dislike such commercial motives but I had always dreamed to be a good speaker. And that dream turned into a reality when I spoke for 6 minutes on the stage of MALYBANTA 2009 as an anchorer and could really electrify and exult the audience to fullest limit. I was self satisfied and further, I was gifted a sum of Rs 2000 by the District Information and Public Relation Office for my contribution to the stage show. This token of recognition to my talent was really a boost to explore the best in me with a renewed strength.
This was my first incident of life where I turned my ability to speak publicly into monetary equivalent.
This was my first incident of life where I turned my ability to speak publicly into monetary equivalent.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
An expressive picture...
My feelings were stirred and for a moment I felt an inner calmness when I saw a picture of Lord Krishna sitting intimately with Goddess Radha. The effect of the picture stangely silenced the disturbing notes of the world and pushed the consciousness to forget the self-consciousness for a while. Is it the happiness of love which touches life magically and transforms it into a paradise? I wondered and at the same time I was gripped with the irresistible desire to share my happiness with my beloved readers.
Monday, November 30, 2009
A lesson learnt from my principal
Power often misleads. That is why it is said that POWER CORRUPTS AND ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY. A man in power generally tends to coerce others by applying his superiority. And at times his egotistic attitude oppresses others. The human side of life is ruthlessly ignored and he becomes more and more tyranical day by day. Even great leaders like Indira Gandhi had fallen into the trap of such inconsideration which power usually accompanies with it. Power hardens the heart and makes the man insensitive. But great are those men, who behave like men, irrespective of being in power and never use power as punitive measures. My principal is a man who shares that great quality. He never uses his power to inflict pain upon anyone. He bestows optimum liberty to everyone. He is non- interfering but few people understand this greatness. I hope this example should be ever alive in my mind & guide me never to use power against anyone. People in higher position should be compassionate enough to alleviate the pains of their subordinates. Everybody is facing a hard battle in life, so the ointment of compassion and love is essential to all relationships for lessening the frictions of the modern life.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Few lovely words from mr. Samal
Sick of crying. Tired of trying. Yeah i am smiling but inside i am dying.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Pearls collected on 24th Nov,2009
Sitting in a net cafe I resolved to preserve the best thoughts that I meet on my way in life. The desire resulted into the blogpost and the few lines I was moved with on the very day are , here, for my beloved and most valued readers.
Worry is like a rocking chair; it keeps you busy, but gets you nowhere.
When it’s dark enough you can see the stars.
Best Teacher ---- EXPERIENCEBest Book ------- LIFE Best Student -----DILIGENCE Best Lesson ------ PATIENCE Best Friend ------ PRAISE Best Sport ------ DUTY Best Dress ----- SMILE Best Shelter ---- TRUTH Best Medicine--- LAUGH Best Manners--- COURTESY
Best Hobby----- SERVICE Best Religion---- HUMANITY Best Relation---- LOVE Best Insurance-- GOOD DEEDS.....!!!
I give full credit to the original creators of these finest thoughts.
Worry is like a rocking chair; it keeps you busy, but gets you nowhere.
When it’s dark enough you can see the stars.
Best Teacher ---- EXPERIENCEBest Book ------- LIFE Best Student -----DILIGENCE Best Lesson ------ PATIENCE Best Friend ------ PRAISE Best Sport ------ DUTY Best Dress ----- SMILE Best Shelter ---- TRUTH Best Medicine--- LAUGH Best Manners--- COURTESY
Best Hobby----- SERVICE Best Religion---- HUMANITY Best Relation---- LOVE Best Insurance-- GOOD DEEDS.....!!!
I give full credit to the original creators of these finest thoughts.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Confidence building
The possibilities of a soul are infinite. And therefore, Man has limitless capabilities. But he often fails to realize it. Because most men are extremely reluctant to break their own little shells of limitations. Like the mythological monkey god, Shri HANUMAN, man loves to forget about his enormous capabillities for crossing the oceans. And sits on the shore musing over his littleness. This is why most people remain as commons for all times to come. DREAMS ARE FREE but FREEING OUR DREAMS will ensure the best in us to come out. Constant efforts in challenging one's own limits will make a new person larger and grander than his former self. The process has to be guided by motivation, has to be fuelled by trying and has to be nurtured by a genuine confidence. And confidence comes through diffidednt moves but the important think is that genuine effort is made to excel.
Friday, November 20, 2009
A connection cut for a while
Absence of the loved one makes love grow stronger. And perhaps that is the reason why I think very deeply when my temporary heavy schedule compells me to discontinue writting my blog. After the MALYABANTA , the district yearly function ,I will be back with the intensest feelings of love for my friends over the blog.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
A thought
Some relations hold your hands with a promise of lifelong commitment but soon they break your fingers. Be aware of such relationships. Recognise them and save yourself from them. - Lux Perfect Bride.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Let me be a fountain of happiness
Let me be a fountain of happiness. Let me never be a cause of someone's tears. On a spree to rule others I often exercise hard words and violence. In the name of changing others I often become too haughty and forget the soft and gentle approach to life. When the transitoriness of life is considered , the folly of egotism is clearly realized. The ego stills the conscience and hardens the heart. And blinds me to the realization that love rules all, that Love is the master key to all happiness.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
11 November, 2009
I went to the college campus to attend a staff feast. I left Smita, my wife alone in my quarter. No sooner had I reached the campus I received a call from her to return home immediately as someone was ringing the calling bell.
Here, at Malkangiri life is always under threat because of the naxal menace. Every day one or two incidence of violence take place in this district. There is rarely any day left when the district is not mentioned in the Oriya news for its recurrent notorious Naxal violence. So it is natural that the mental state of a lonely women in a quarter will be terribly threatened when at an odd hour of night the calling bell rings.
Here, at Malkangiri life is always under threat because of the naxal menace. Every day one or two incidence of violence take place in this district. There is rarely any day left when the district is not mentioned in the Oriya news for its recurrent notorious Naxal violence. So it is natural that the mental state of a lonely women in a quarter will be terribly threatened when at an odd hour of night the calling bell rings.
Monday, November 9, 2009
A life for others
Your life is better than a king's when you serve others with what you have. Give others what you have. Benefit them, serve them with your sweet words,with your gentle smiles and with your ever helping hands.
Daily maintain a record of what things you have done to make someone progress,to bring someone a smile, to make someone happy , to make someone contented or to elevate someone's thoughts.These will be the milestones of your life. Life becomes purposeful with such unreserved service to the people around you.
In the morning when you get up if you resolve to spend the day with a true effort to render the maximum help to the people you come in contact, you wil launch the ife-rocket in the right direction. The moment you think of making yourself a genuine friend to the world, the power of a radiant personality starts to emit its soothing aura through you. If you are a short-tempered person, the resolution will guide you to be loving. If you are inconsiderate, the resolution to help others will propel you to be more considerate. If you are in power ,you will not be blinded by egotism, rather you will be sensible towards others.In short you will develop a perception to understand the view point of another human being.
Daily maintain a record of what things you have done to make someone progress,to bring someone a smile, to make someone happy , to make someone contented or to elevate someone's thoughts.These will be the milestones of your life. Life becomes purposeful with such unreserved service to the people around you.
In the morning when you get up if you resolve to spend the day with a true effort to render the maximum help to the people you come in contact, you wil launch the ife-rocket in the right direction. The moment you think of making yourself a genuine friend to the world, the power of a radiant personality starts to emit its soothing aura through you. If you are a short-tempered person, the resolution will guide you to be loving. If you are inconsiderate, the resolution to help others will propel you to be more considerate. If you are in power ,you will not be blinded by egotism, rather you will be sensible towards others.In short you will develop a perception to understand the view point of another human being.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
A faith shattered
Insecurity creeps into the mind most when the faith in our political heads of the state is ruthlessly shattered with abrupt discoveries of their unprincipled activities.
Mr. Madhu koda's sad moral fall is a fatal blow to dignity of people's representatives. The people of a state repose all faith in their leaders and they vision their aspirations to be actuallised through their leaders. This eligibility of trust worthiness on the part of a leader is far more valuable than the ill-got money. Let our politicians understand the true worth of this sentiment.
Young talented persons with real attitude to serve the nation find the politics of india too fishy. Further, it has been a common trait of the so called political bigshots never to lend a platform to the deserving candidates. As a result the degeneration of values in political sphere has become a common occurence. Good souls feel utterly isolated while fighting single handedly againt the corrupted system.
Untill or unless the young generation is strongly united, the existing misfortune will continue to eclipse the shine of new India.With the advent of fast communication gadgets and ultramodern tecnologies the people all over the world have become neighbours to each other. Dissemination and spread of thought can take place at lightening fast speed.So a bold step to get united by constructing a forrum for an altogether political change in India is now possible.Let the young minds with their burning intesity come foreward to materialise the noble changes of which we Indians constantly aspire for.This seed of thought may find a healthy shelter in the minds of all young Indians.
Mr. Madhu koda's sad moral fall is a fatal blow to dignity of people's representatives. The people of a state repose all faith in their leaders and they vision their aspirations to be actuallised through their leaders. This eligibility of trust worthiness on the part of a leader is far more valuable than the ill-got money. Let our politicians understand the true worth of this sentiment.
Young talented persons with real attitude to serve the nation find the politics of india too fishy. Further, it has been a common trait of the so called political bigshots never to lend a platform to the deserving candidates. As a result the degeneration of values in political sphere has become a common occurence. Good souls feel utterly isolated while fighting single handedly againt the corrupted system.
Untill or unless the young generation is strongly united, the existing misfortune will continue to eclipse the shine of new India.With the advent of fast communication gadgets and ultramodern tecnologies the people all over the world have become neighbours to each other. Dissemination and spread of thought can take place at lightening fast speed.So a bold step to get united by constructing a forrum for an altogether political change in India is now possible.Let the young minds with their burning intesity come foreward to materialise the noble changes of which we Indians constantly aspire for.This seed of thought may find a healthy shelter in the minds of all young Indians.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Two collected quotes
It is better to be kissed by a fool than to be fooled by a kiss.
Silence is golden but shouting is fun.
Silence is golden but shouting is fun.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
A nasty headache convinced life's value
All philosophy vanishes. All programs are shattered , when the head aches. A little bodily pain turns the whole world upside down. But rarely do we understand the value of health. A little pain in the head makes the day a curse. Today I had to take a pill to alleviate my headache. With the mitigation of pain I was forced to thank God for all the fine days he had already gifted me. Somewhere I had read ' life is a gift of god to you, what you make of life is a gift of you to god. ' so each moment of life is priceless in constituting a worthy life, which can be gifted to god in return for his love with the blow of our last breath.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
A Governmental apathy
. Malkangiri,which has the dubious distinction of serious naxal terrorism, is a hilly tribal district of southern Orissa. It is one of the most backward districts of Orissa.Although,the govt is doling out corers and corers of rupees through many schemes to ameliorate the conditions of the district, the target of progress is missed because of wrong channelization of resources. The remedy is not properly diagnosed but the treatment is carried over. As a result the complications are further acerbated.
In the year 2006 the Govt took a noble step and upgraded a high school of St &Sc Development Department at Govindapally, in this district, to a higher secondary school with +2 Science & Commerce wings. The establishment of this institution has greatly helped the poor meritorious tribal student to continue their post matric studies. In the last few years the College has produced many tribal students who have come out in flying colours in the +2 Council examinations of Orissa State.
In spite of Naxal terrorism and threat of dangerous malaria, the Junior lecturers of this institution have unreservedly contributed their efforts on all occasions to achieve the highest ideals of education. But the Govt is unjustifiably reluctant to give them even the basic minimum salary for a respectable living.
Such trends are indeed detrimental to the educational health of our nation.Because if the teaching community is neglected how can the state dream of progress?It is a common experience that A good horse is often lost in want of a shoe nail. Similarly, all the expenditures in the name of KBK projects( The state government's special plan for the backward disricts of Orissa.) will lose its meaning if the process of watering the leaves continues instead of watering the roots.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Life's purpose is universal love.
In life what things has to be held preciously? It is not fame, nor wealth, nor luxury, nor power, nor position. These things in life can give a temporary satisfaction but it can never provide the inner calmness of a fulfilled living. Life is a gift hamper of few moments on earth. And each moment of life will be truly lived if it is attached with pure thought of love towards all. The desire of human beings to become recognised and wealthy seems very insignificant to the joy of a life administered by love. Life has to be lived on the principles of love alone. Because every persons you meet on earth is fighting a hard battle. And (s)he needs love, not apparent lip service , nor paper works. Moreover, life will fulfill its targeted purpose if simply it is guided by love. That is why sri satya sai baba has told, "Start the day with love. Fill the day with love and end the with love."
Friday, October 30, 2009
True efforts
True efforts never go unrewarded. A temporary set back is never a permanent failure. Everything passes on, nothing is permanent and so are your problems and troubles too. Hence, life can be celebrated as a continuous thread of hopefull moments.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Apathy towards education: A real danger.
" A teacher affects eternity, he doesn't know when his influence stops." But in india the paradox is that the education system and the teaching community is sadly neglected. The number of teachers in the universities are progressively reduced by the unconcerned political heads and apathetic bureaucrats (as it is the case of universities in Orissa). It needs to be mentioned that the English department of Berhampur University is run by only one professor. All the other posts are lying vacant & the department is reduced to a one man industry. This marks an utterly woeful neglect to our education system. For the Politicians the vote box assumes more importance than education. As a result, they can shamelessly go to any extent to declare populist policies with a view to ensuring their votes. But the political heads lack the will power to reform the education system because it has least to do with vote politics. Moreover, the spread of education means the emergence of analytical minds & a growing distrust towards the so called political figures. Therefore, it is natural on the part of the politicians to be unconcerned towards education. But a perfect education system is absolutely essential for our country when the world is landing in an era of unprecedent cut-throat-competition.The best minds are never allured to a career in teaching but now the trend has to be otherwise to infuse strength in our country's stand in the world stage.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

For the last few days I was regularly updating my blog. But yesterday I missed. I did not care much to sit silently for a few minutes and make any attempts to catch a few noble thoughts that might be surfacing in my mind.Although this had been a regular activity , I broke the continuity.But I was really pained afterward because a healthy activity which helped me understand myself better was discontinued.
The mind missed the peace of a contemplative exercise and its spiritual effects.Moreover, the feeling of loss was exacerbated at the thought of the lapse of regularity in a healthy activity. The feeling of guilt about not maintaining a good habit prompted me to strongly realize that IT IS ALWAYS WISE TO REGULARLY CULTIVATE GOOD HABITS AND STICK TO THEM RELIGIOUSLY & CONSCIENTIOUSLY. Because habits forms the character and the character, in turn, the man.Therefore a journey in this direction is nothing but a process to manifest a perfected living and should be always welcomed.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Life without understanding is a desert.

Friday, October 23, 2009
A fallout
With a rude speed I snatched the computer mouse from PRADEEP & after copying the required file, saved in my pen drive, to the pc I removed the pen drive, put the pen drive in my pocket & left the office computer room without any word to Pradeep. I was unfriendly and blunt because for the last few days we were not in talking terms. And the last traces of sentiments between our relationship also started to vanish with my apathy and arrogance. . . . . . I held such a coarse reaction because often I had been a victim of such treatment by him. Although, I was pained for being ungentlemanly, I was strongly carried by the principle of TIT FOR TAT. But as every action has an equal and opposite reaction, my unkind behaviour also triggered an equally intense soft feeling in my heart. And that softness of heart compelled me to realize that "Friendship necessitates a sense of mutual respect. Lack of it wears away human relationship. Further, the world is a great mirror it reflects what you put in. Life is too short to entertain rancour and ill-feeling towards each other." At last Let me end the post with a question, "WHO WILL CRY, WHEN I DIE?" I expect that the answer of the question will ever remind me to be better and better till love finds a synonym in me. . . . . begging an excuse from my beloved colleague Mr. Pradeep Pradhan. Let us LOVE the world unreservedly without any expectation of being loved in return.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Happy like eating Rasgulla.

It is never wise to shoot at your head to stop your headache. Similarly the people who feel like putting an end to life should think that life has infinite possibilities and within a moment many things change. So it is better to be happy and feel like eating Rasgullas at every moment the life has to offer.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
A day of cheating.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Spending some time with my soul
Most of the time I think of something or the other.But rarely do I remember when I have spent consciously some time with my very own being.
Things come and pass and hold the centre-stage of mind, create ripples of thoughts but all float away from the self.All the involvements and activities of daily life eventually develop a sheer rootlessness.A rootlessness of being away from the pure voice of the soul.
Mind never stops thinking but it rarely ventures to delve into the soul.Because a glimpse of soul's purity is sufficient to briddle the wondering mind but What is the value of getting all the wealth of the world when we lose our soul laying dormant in the cluttered world.
In silence I become what I am.So let the soul stirring silence sail my mind to a meditative realm to appreciate the rediance of a true living.
Things come and pass and hold the centre-stage of mind, create ripples of thoughts but all float away from the self.All the involvements and activities of daily life eventually develop a sheer rootlessness.A rootlessness of being away from the pure voice of the soul.
Mind never stops thinking but it rarely ventures to delve into the soul.Because a glimpse of soul's purity is sufficient to briddle the wondering mind but What is the value of getting all the wealth of the world when we lose our soul laying dormant in the cluttered world.
In silence I become what I am.So let the soul stirring silence sail my mind to a meditative realm to appreciate the rediance of a true living.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Running the extra-mile,only for you.

What I write that my wife reads and this compels me to pen at least a line or two for her sake although I am dead tired after the busy schedules of the day.My point is that the inner-working of love will easily make you to run the extra-mile effortlessly.
I dedicate today's theme to my wife who is there at her parental home for a few days and misses me all the time.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Lighting a lamp dispells darkness.

The darkness which has thickly covered the human life is born mainly out of ignorance, selfishness and ego. A smile on face and a little love in heart can light a lamp of humanity to dispel the pervading darkness.Similarly, more can be achieved on earth by smiling and not by complaining.
Diwali is a festival when we light candles to spread light but the true light of existence will descend upon earth when we light our hearts with the fire of Love .Fire may be hot but it burns impurities. Similarly, it pains first to burn our ego with love but the pain ushers a new life with expanded horizons.So the pain is worth bearing for a higher way of living.
With love
Friday, October 16, 2009
Dreams with open eyes and alert efforts are the navigating compass of life. And dreams with closed eyes are a dive into the unknown. The dreams of man influence his attitude towards life. So dreams are powerful tools. Manage your dreams carefully and never pollute them with external influences.
But sometimes it becomes really astonishing when something you dream and that happens afterward. For example on 15th Oct,2009 at around 5p.m.my wife phoned me from his parental home & reiterated that she had seen in a dream that I had taken liquor. The dream seemed to be very absurd because I never entertain any bad habits. But in the later part of the evening, after a distressful exam work I along with my friends........
But sometimes it becomes really astonishing when something you dream and that happens afterward. For example on 15th Oct,2009 at around 5p.m.my wife phoned me from his parental home & reiterated that she had seen in a dream that I had taken liquor. The dream seemed to be very absurd because I never entertain any bad habits. But in the later part of the evening, after a distressful exam work I along with my friends........
Unexpected but happy turn.....
Life is filled with many unexpected turns. It takes very little time when a sweet relationship turns sour. A smile changes to a vicious frown or a friend turns into a foe.
Few days ago I was not in good terms with some colleagues but now I happened to be their best ally and the same is true with them. Time changes situations and our attitudes towards life. The friends with whom I was only maintaining a' HELLO and HI' relationship are now besides me doing my office work for me strenuously. This helping hand surely convinces me to stand beside them when needs arise. The best thing is that the committed relationship has its roots from the deepest recesses of heart. Today I realize .....
Life really becomes polyphonic when you are with your friends and the team spirit works. To achieve that spirit of unity a little sacrifice and a little selfless attitude is all that needed. And once the unison is realized in the relationship, the relationship becomes self nourishing and life enriching.
(This post was posted when B.Sairam and Shirish were typing the Exam Mark-cum-Code Table )
Life really becomes polyphonic when you are with your friends and the team spirit works. To achieve that spirit of unity a little sacrifice and a little selfless attitude is all that needed. And once the unison is realized in the relationship, the relationship becomes self nourishing and life enriching.
(This post was posted when B.Sairam and Shirish were typing the Exam Mark-cum-Code Table )
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Friends Forever
God is invisible but his creation is visible .And friends are the best creation to realize the love and understanding of god towards us.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Knowledge Creation for Excellence.
A great teacher INSPIRES....He/She activates the minds of a students and helps in knowledge creation.
Like a courrier man if the teacher simply brings the informations written in the books before the students, he neither activates creativity nor helps in creation of new knowledge.This type of teaching and learning process is like swinging on a wooden horse with eyes closed.The irony is that all these swinging can not take the ridder even a metre ahead.
As education aims at enriching and refining the existing store-house of knoweldge,teachers need to take initiatives which will trigger the creativities of the students to come out of mental inertia and contribute substantially in the process of knoweledge creation.
With Love.
Like a courrier man if the teacher simply brings the informations written in the books before the students, he neither activates creativity nor helps in creation of new knowledge.This type of teaching and learning process is like swinging on a wooden horse with eyes closed.The irony is that all these swinging can not take the ridder even a metre ahead.
As education aims at enriching and refining the existing store-house of knoweldge,teachers need to take initiatives which will trigger the creativities of the students to come out of mental inertia and contribute substantially in the process of knoweledge creation.
With Love.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Incapacity to appreciate a fullmoon night.
In the world where professionalism is the bedrock of a successful living, we often miss the beauty of a simple & contended life.The glare of a dazzling artificial modern life often incapacitate us to appreciate which is often too immediate and too close to the very nature of our lives from our origin.
Often under the luminous Mercuric bulbs of a city life man fails to appreciate the spiritual beauty of a full moon night.
Also with the passage of time it is vanishing from our minds that a connection with nature and a removal of artificiality can transform the heart from a mechanical blood pumping organ of body to a center of one's fine emotions. However it is certain that the balance and poise of a truly developed mind is achievable only by harmonizing the heart with Nature's ennobling systematic workings.
A life tuned to the tunes of Nature can only remove the jarring notes of the mercenary life so that the beauty of a full moon can be added to discover the splendor of a blooming life.
With Love Atmaprakash.
Friday, October 9, 2009
True feelings of love is a life-long purifier.
Love will bring rainbows even if you do not succeed in getting the object of your love. An act of kindness or someone's love entails the noble virtue of drawing the best purifying feelings of gratefulness & an appreciation of the essential nobility of human beings. This feeling softens the heart to harbor the highest ideals of life more comfortably.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Making a Pond of your House.
Life sometimes issues shockingly unique surprises.
After the Dassara Puja holidays I returned to my service station alone leaving my wife at her parental home. Soon after the onus of responsibilities started to hunt me. I had to manage the Pre-Test Exam as well as the College hostel mess by that time. I could not even find time to cook my meal. Naturally I used to depend on a nearby hotel for my meal.
That day with a strong resolution to cook my meal at my home I left college finishing all my work. I opened the door but to my great surprise I found that my shoes, Pages of old news paper & some household plastic items are floating on the floor. I couldn't make out how the rooms are abounding in so much water. There is no rain. Still the water level was high enough to drown my ankle. Suddenly I realized that the tap water has been left open.
The entire afternoon was spent in removing the water with the help of cloth. Complete exhaustion with an empty belly was the most shocking surprise for me that day.
I scolded myself and wished if i had given due importance to the 'SAVE WATER CAMPAIGN'I would not have been so deadly punished for my negligence
After the Dassara Puja holidays I returned to my service station alone leaving my wife at her parental home. Soon after the onus of responsibilities started to hunt me. I had to manage the Pre-Test Exam as well as the College hostel mess by that time. I could not even find time to cook my meal. Naturally I used to depend on a nearby hotel for my meal.
That day with a strong resolution to cook my meal at my home I left college finishing all my work. I opened the door but to my great surprise I found that my shoes, Pages of old news paper & some household plastic items are floating on the floor. I couldn't make out how the rooms are abounding in so much water. There is no rain. Still the water level was high enough to drown my ankle. Suddenly I realized that the tap water has been left open.
The entire afternoon was spent in removing the water with the help of cloth. Complete exhaustion with an empty belly was the most shocking surprise for me that day.
I scolded myself and wished if i had given due importance to the 'SAVE WATER CAMPAIGN'I would not have been so deadly punished for my negligence
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Fatigue and exhaustion
From yesterday evening my journey from Balasore was exteemly painful.The whole night I stood at one corner of the coach with sleepy eyes and a paining body. In the morning also the exhausting episode of journey lingered well beyond my patience. The strike of private bus union had victimised me more than any one else because my wife is from Balasore , I am Working in Malkangiri, and my parents stay In Kandhamal.All these Three places are at a considerable distance from each other. So my movement is badly affected and so is life when the transportation service goes on strike. My eyes are burning still I mention the feel of the moment because such experiences come occassionally.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Unhealthy Strikes
It has become a common characteristics of the masses in India to resort to Strikes,Bunds and Gheraos for convincing forcibly the justifiability of their causes. The recent strikes of the private bus owners' association in Orissa has shattered the public life very unhealthily at the time of the year when the travel activities reach to the top in the aftermath of Dassara holidays.
In a welfare state the situations like this is really contemptible. The Government must not sleep like a Python forgetting the responsibilities of the seat of power.Now-a-days the distrust towards the Government machinery is growing day by day because of the obvious apathy of the people in the helm of power.
In a welfare state the situations like this is really contemptible. The Government must not sleep like a Python forgetting the responsibilities of the seat of power.Now-a-days the distrust towards the Government machinery is growing day by day because of the obvious apathy of the people in the helm of power.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
I and my world silent to each other
These days I am Cultivating a habit of introspection and attempting to listen to the beats of my heart so that I can amplify those fine beats of feelings into the beautiful form of a blog.... I am not sure to what extent the adjective 'beautiful 'can be applied to the few lines which ,as a habit now-a-days ,I am scribbling on the pages of my blog but this is a process which connects me with myself.
I dream to become a good orator,a skilled speaker and a perfect man....and through this blog I proclaim my inmost feelings in the loudest voice to the still world which goes on its process without heeding my voice and in the same manner I am also engaged in my own pursuit without caring for the world's views or reviews.......This is what I have achieved in these days .Standing tall, perfectly balanced and free from any expectations. So it is what I can say that the first step to maturity or a move to become more like a stoic.
I dream to become a good orator,a skilled speaker and a perfect man....and through this blog I proclaim my inmost feelings in the loudest voice to the still world which goes on its process without heeding my voice and in the same manner I am also engaged in my own pursuit without caring for the world's views or reviews.......This is what I have achieved in these days .Standing tall, perfectly balanced and free from any expectations. So it is what I can say that the first step to maturity or a move to become more like a stoic.
A worthy goal
In life something must be written which is worth reading or something done which makes it worth writting. The Soul's Light- Atmaprakash
Saturday, October 3, 2009
A few moments being disconnected from the World
In the morning from my father's in law home I set out with my brother in law to the nearby internet cafe with a view to updating my blog. Leaving me at the cafe my brother in law went away ridding his bike to attend his appointments. As he had left his mobile at home,he carried my mobile with him. Simply giving an assurance that I will be picked from the cafe after one hour. But........At the net cafe
the electricity failed just when I switched on the computer. I wanted to contact my brother in law from the P.C.O but I had no coins. My wallet contained only a Thousand Rupee Note.And It was quite unbecoming to ask for change in the morning hours of the day. I waited and waited having nothing to do except emptily looking at the strangers, vehicles,and the passerby on the road.
Those minutes greatly annoyed me but I had to bear the pangs of a disconnected life.
At last I threw my self respect to the nearby pool and shamelessly asked a gentle man for his mobile to make a call to my brother in law so that he can pick me up. And the disconnection was turned to reconnection by the unreserved help of a man who I didn't know.
The interesting part of the experience comes when I dithered about to ask for the mobile from a stranger and at last hiding my shame with a sycophantic smile made the request for help although that place abounded with a dozen of P.C.Os.
The Soul's Light- Atmaprakash
the electricity failed just when I switched on the computer. I wanted to contact my brother in law from the P.C.O but I had no coins. My wallet contained only a Thousand Rupee Note.And It was quite unbecoming to ask for change in the morning hours of the day. I waited and waited having nothing to do except emptily looking at the strangers, vehicles,and the passerby on the road.
Those minutes greatly annoyed me but I had to bear the pangs of a disconnected life.
At last I threw my self respect to the nearby pool and shamelessly asked a gentle man for his mobile to make a call to my brother in law so that he can pick me up. And the disconnection was turned to reconnection by the unreserved help of a man who I didn't know.
The interesting part of the experience comes when I dithered about to ask for the mobile from a stranger and at last hiding my shame with a sycophantic smile made the request for help although that place abounded with a dozen of P.C.Os.
The Soul's Light- Atmaprakash
Friday, October 2, 2009
Channelizing The Creative Force for a Better Life.
All motivations are temporary in nature. They last and remain active for a while and then fade away. Therefore, a constantly conscious motivation for a meaningul life is a sine qua non for a better living. A friend's smile, a delicate rose, a beautiful quote, someone's kindness or simply the inner fire of one's essential nobility can broaden the perspective of life on a divine scale. Never miss the simple and the marvelous joy of being simply simple with the simple things of life. Appreciate it that you have the heaven in and around you.........
Teasing of a Dear Friend
Sometimes the monotony of life breaks in a superb manner by the teasing of your bosom friends.Today during the hours of a busy typing of the question Papers of my college, where I teach, my attention was called by the beeps of my mobile. When reluctantly I opened the inbox of the electronic gadget, I discovered the teasing message of my dear colleague B.Sairam Patra which equated me to a Snake or at the best to ants. The message ran like this: "WHEN A SNAKE IS ALIVE. IT EATS ANTS.WHEN DEAD,ANTS EAT SNAKE. TIME MATTERS........TIME ALWAYS GIVES A CHANCE TO EVERYONE." JUST WAIT FOR YOUR TURN......, I went through the lines and was forced to conclude myself with a smile that in the monotonous hectic schedules of life I have forgotten to ring him up for the last 3 days. Let this love always break the hard covers of utilitarianism to walk on the earth with human sense and sensibilities.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
A harmonious alliance for life's motivation.
Many people do not get the opportunity to express their creativity constructively. As a result they remain deprived of the joys in engaging a life of creativity. There is neither productivity nor appreciation in such a static life.. . . . . .BUT the cold and dead ice of inertia melts when there is fellowship of human beings to appreciate and inspire each other to achieve the noblest and highest ideals of life. Life necessitates to be lived in positively appreciating even the tiniest things or the trivialest incidents so that one of the prime motives of human beings to get appreciated can be best exploited to bringing fullness to life and existence.
Rolling on a Rickshaw
In the 11pm of night Out of compassion towards the rickshaw puller I with my wife opted to go in a rickshaw instead of going in an auto from the station. It started to rain in the mid way and we got sprinkling of water which the auto would have deprived of us. Rickshaw was more romantic as it lengthened the journey and the romance as well.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Literary pursuite vs wife.
A new entrant in an unknown field gives his/her total attention to adapt him/ herself to the the alien surroundings. But this focused pursuit in one's activity provokes most wives go out of focus. They start complaining that they are not given due attention. Thanks for this misunderstanding but it adds to the charm of life.
The festival merges with once again to the routine works and the responsibilities of daily life begins anew.
Today we will journey to BBSR.
A sudden power failure and the few lines which i had collected very meditatively from the recesses of mind, vanished from the computer screen all of a sudden . This what, sometimes disappointment comes without any prior notice. In other words Love's labor lost.
Remember that somewhere read.... My mind works in lightening fast speed, one brilliant flash and then it is gone.
Today we will journey to BBSR.
A sudden power failure and the few lines which i had collected very meditatively from the recesses of mind, vanished from the computer screen all of a sudden . This what, sometimes disappointment comes without any prior notice. In other words Love's labor lost.
Remember that somewhere read.... My mind works in lightening fast speed, one brilliant flash and then it is gone.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Why lead a life with Atmaprakash
'Atma 'signifies pure consciousness and this blog is a daily record of the discoveries made while discovering the depths of a soul's natural play. And my human efforts in this light is dedicated to enrich the collective consciousness of the creator's creation. I hope my readers will ever commentate on my efforts to mould it more beautifully than ever. New thoughts and ideas on any aspect of life are sincerely solicited to get the ball of inspiration rolling with fresh momentum.
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